Showing 37-45 of 186 results

Moving and Handling of People Awareness Training Course
Safe Moving and Handling in Health and Social Care is a key part of

Paediatric First Aid (Blended Learning) Training Course
Under the Government Early Years and Childcare Registration requirements, at least one person who

Staff Appraisal Skills Training Course
In order for your staff to remain productive, and thus value for money, it

Serious Youth Violence Training Course
Our Serious Youth Violence training course is great for those working with young people.

SEND Code of Practice Training Course
The 2015 SEND Code of Practice is the official guide for those who work

Safer Recruitment in Education Training Course
Safeguarding students and staff is a crucial factor when recruiting new staff in any

Safeguarding of Children and Young People Level 3 Training Course
At least one child dies from abuse or neglect every week in the UK

RIDDOR Awareness Training Course
It is the law that responsible people in the workplace must record and report

Preventing Radicalisation Training Course
Preventing radicalism and extremism is a hugely important topic to be aware of when