Showing 19-27 of 186 results

Duty of Candour Training Course
The Care Quality Commission’s ‘Regulation 20: Duty of candour’ sets out the requirements for

Dignity, Privacy and Respect Training course
This Dignity in Care training course will equip learners on how to support individual’s

Dementia Care Training Course
This online Dementia Awareness training course increases your knowledge of dementia and its effects,

Digital Resilience Online Training Course
The digital world is constantly growing and developing. With increased digital usage, children and

Coronavirus Awareness and Infection Control Training Course
The spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has seen a global focus on the prevention and

Consumer Rights Act Awareness Training Course
If not followed correctly, consumers have the right to seek a court order and

Concussion Awareness Training Course
It’s important your staff know how to prevent and respond to concussions, especially if

Care Certificate Training Course
Meet your staff training requirements and stay CQC compliant with our Care Certificate training

Cyber Security Awareness Training Course
Around a third (32%) of businesses and two in ten charities (22%) report having